Update Maintenance

We'll keep the server under development until 1000 accounts are created.
Thank you all for understanding but we'll push advertising until then.

For more information follow our page on M2E: https://www.metin2earth.com/Invasion2

Chat with us on VChat: https://chat.v4v.wtf/invasion2


Eligibility to receive a reward
What statuses must be met by guest players.

The minimum number of hours played: 2
Minimum level: 50

Dragon Marks 10

Official Release

Welcome to Invasion2. We are most happy to have you into our new adventure.
We'll grow the community together as a family. Hope you enjoy!

Release Update

The server have been updated and ready to download, the main release date will be on 1/11/23.

Release Announcement

The server will be launched once the 1000 accounts are created, register to launch the server!